1 min readMar 27, 2019


Descriptive variable naming is an art. Sticking to plural nouns for enumerable types, and staying away from verbs for variables is, I find, what takes care of 70% of naming. However, if there’s an industry standard (like x_train,y_train in machine learning) sticking to that will do more good than harm. Uncountable man hours have been poured into other games with variables for currency well established, veering for no other reason than to be ‘special’ isn’t helping the players. I don’t know how difficult it would be to change it now, but I’d adore a massive swap-and-replace the texts in-game to say ‘gear score’.




Written by kionay

Software developer by day, gamer by night. I use medium to write about video games and some of their many aspects.

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